Pillow Love

Hello everyone! This is Ez visiting you from Creature Comforts. I am so thrilled that the ever-lovely Holly has asked me to share a post on decor8 today. I must admit to being a little bit challenged while creating this one. I'm generally a bit more comfortable within the fashion and small accessories realm, and have only a little bit of knowledge when it comes to home decor. That being said... I do know what I love when it comes to warm and inviting living spaces, and one of those loves are decorative pillows! Nothing can give a room a more instantaneous facelift than to swap out your old standby throw pillows with something fresh and of the moment. Want to try out the seasons trendy shades without committing to reupholstering the sofa or a complete paint job? Snag some snazzy pillows, toss them about... and you've got a chic new look in no time flat!

Here are some of my favorites categorized into "looks"... though you should pull together a look that speaks to you...





Modern Romantic:



- - - - - - - - - -

More Pillow-y goodness {not pictured}:

Have a gorgeous day! xox Ez

(images linked to sources above. layout and text by ez from creature comforts.)


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