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I'm a Little Teapot...

Remember this post from September when I confessed a little obsession I had? I'd been dreaming of a certain tea kettle in the Netherlands for weeks... but the dream is over. Enter reality. I purchased it as a housewarming gift for my husband (and I) as he has been wanting a very special teapot and figuring as I liked it so much, knowing his taste leans strongly towards well made copper and such an ornate design... I ordered it. Can you see why? Go ahead, swoon along with me.

I spent 8 weeks searching here for one in Germany that would be more affordable but it seems I wasted a lot of time because none of them fit the high standards that were set the moment I first laid eyes on the one at Le Souk. When it arrived today, my husband's face beamed as he unwrapped it -- I hit the jackpot with a teapot! He loved it. Of course, I knew I would like it but I don't just like it, I'm in awe of the quality, weight, ornately carved patterns, this copper kettle it is exquisite -- unlike any other I've ever seen. Remember the scene in Wayne's World, "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"... I almost feel this way right now because it's easily one of my top purchases in the past several years. It's worth saving for if you drink tea as often as we do. I think it was around $150 (after conversion from Euro to USD) with shipping but considering an expresso machine or even a good coffee maker costs that much and more (and we don't own either), I decided to put my money into something we'd both use daily (unlike a coffee machine which would only be used once a month at most). As a bonus, it arrived with 4 Turkish tea glasses. How sweet!

If you are considering a kettle for yourself look no further, don't try to find a less expensive one elsewhere, seriously it's fantastic and not stamped Made In China!

Today was a little cold and gray so we had company, served a homemade Hungarian goulash with sp?tzle followed by tea and kuchen, and had a super nice afternoon despite the lack of sunshine as you can tell from these photos. The candles and warm food made us happy, and of course the little teapot, which arrived before our friends did, made the afternoon complete.

(images from holly becker for decor8)