Daily Discounts: Hello! Lucky

Juicy delicious paper products. Yum! If they were edible I'd be in trouble. I know most of us suffer from paper addiction but I've resolved that it's perfectly okay and the best drug on the market because it's the most affordable, no rehab required, and doesn't seem to end in tears or broken relationships. If anything, relationships improve because you actually start mailing pretty cards to people whom you care about. :)

Here's a little discount on Hello! Lucky, one of my favorite companies, to make giving even easier. Take 20% off by entering coupon code "hello!decorate" upon checkout. Offer expires on November 21, 2008. This offer includes everything - holiday cards and wrap and all greeting cards, personalized stationery, and their new book Handmade Hellos! WOW!

More on the book here (I know I'm ordering it). They SHIP WORLDWIDE. Enjoy!

I think we all should make a list this month of 10 people we love and send a "no reason" card. You know, a card not for any other reason other than to celebrate friendship and promote peace and love. Why not? If you're up for it, this is something I've already resolved to do by the end of the year. 10 cards for 10 people who have made a difference in my life in 2008. I may even have 11. But I'm starting with 10. Are you game? I think we should totally go for it. Now more than ever people need to know that their life matters, they have friends, they are loved. It's tough for some right now. People are losing jobs and security left and right. A good support group is one of the best ways to lift us all higher. Why not start by looking at our immediate circle and showing an extra dose of support right now? Just a card can do a world of good. I'm starting by sending 10 cards to 10 people who have made a difference in my life this year. Not for any reason other than, "You made 2008 a better year for me because...." - I can't wait to send them. We have to be the change we wish to see in the world, a quote to apply for best results. :)

(images from hello! lucky)


Daily Discounts: See Jane Work


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