Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Hello everyone! I hope that you had a really nice weekend and that you are enjoying your week so far. I have been busy working alongside of Thorsten fixing my bloggy blog (yes, again - more trouble) but most of the issues are not ones you'd see so no worries, more behind the scenes stuff. I want to ask a favor though... if you have decor8 on your blogroll can you please update the link to point to and NOT to my old blog addy on blogspot. Ah, that's just swell. Thanks so much. Okay so with that being said, welcome to another decor8ing week. :) I am happy to be here, I love showing up to visit you and to see what's going on out there in blog design land as it's an exciting place to be. It's our space, you know? I'm grateful we can all meet online each day and share our ideas through blogs and sites like Facebook (by the way, I'm a Facebook addict and if you want to be my Facebook friend you can simply click here.) I also have a decor8 blog network over there if you feel like joining. I'm not sure exactly what the benefits are to having a blog network on Facebook but I reasoned since most of my friends have their blog listed I should join in on the action too.

It's time for Etsy Take Five Tuesday! Yay! Here we go with an eclectic little mix of five sellers with everything from cupcakes to crochet creatures, postcards, and a dash of Victorian charm.

First up, Sweet Nellie just because I think little soft creatures are cute and who wouldn't want to be gifted with such cuteness, adult or child? {etsy} {blog} {flickr}

Next, let's visit more handcrafted goodness over at Yardia in Seattle. Yardia is Brigida Swanson (I love her name, sounds like an author) who is a teacher and an artist who received her degree at the wonderful Rhode Island School of Design. I really love her paper products, the colors that she uses, and her simple sweet illustrations. I think that you'll really love her work, too. {etsy} {blog}

Have you heard of The Holland Fabric House based in Rotterdam? Oh it's so colorful and happy, with textiles galore. The fabric wreaths for newborns are charming, what a pretty welcome prezzie to hang when baby arrives! The cheery pillows, iron on transfers, fabrics, notions, and patterns are great - what variety for those who craft. {etsy} {2nd etsy shop} {website}

Everyday is a Holiday at Jenny's Bake Shop is an etsy store that I found via Facebook of all places. Jenny loves old fashioned bakeries and sweet shops, along with retro style, 1950's ice cream parlors, and vintage party decorations, evident in all of her work. Postcards, candles, prints, ornaments... she is a painter so all images are based on her original works and handmade by Jenny Heid and her partner Aaron. Hooray to couples who craft. Awesomeness. {etsy} {blog}

This little Kansas girl has the cutest clothing & such and lucky for us, she's not going to Oz anytime soon. Her shop name is Folk and I think this handmade crafty girl style is cute as a button. It's absolutely unique and cozy, a little Dorothy combined with Victorian and that Steampunk style which is only growing in popularity these days thanks to our Japanese friends. Those Japanese are constantly kicking our butts with cool style, don't you think? {etsy} {2nd etsy shop}

I hope that you liked my Etsy Take Five Tuesday today! I tried to pull together a variety of things to appeal to as many of you as possible while still staying within the lines of my personal taste. :)

(images linked to their sources above)


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