Tschüss Germany!

It's time to say goodbye and so long, I leave Germany tomorrow and head back to the states! For the next few days I'll be on the road and in the sky but back on Monday, December 22nd to say hello and leave you with a few posts before the holidays. I want to make a special dedication here in this post if that is okay with you? It's just that decor8 is such a personal space for me and I frequently refer to the archives to see what I was up to at certain times so when I look back at December '08 I know this post will be very special to me to read again. For anyone who has ever lived outside of their country and tried to adapt to a new culture, you must understand why I have so many lovely people to thank as the past 5 months of my life here have been extremely life changing and I really mean it, I have so many ideas, big plans for 2009, and I've made a few new and very special friends that I absolutely cherish. I have loved setting up my 2nd home in Germany and can't wait to return in May!

  • First I'd like to thank Danielle, Yvonne, and all the wonderful ladies at the decor8 Meet and Greet in Amsterdam for the lovely time together. I plan to hopefully meet up with these ladies again in the future, it was so special to meet and spend time with so many woman that I'd only known via their blogs prior to the meet and greet. Thank you all again for coming out to meet me, also the editors over at 101 Woonideeen for taking the time to visit with us and to give everyone so many issues of your magazine - what a delight!
  • A big thank you to Peggy at Gruner & Jahr and the lovely Jenny who is the Editor-in-Chief of Living At Home. These ladies invited me up to Hamburg for a wonderful meeting, a 5 star hotel and dinner, and cocktails overlooking Hamburg in a gorgeous lounge. I really enjoyed shopping with Peggy and seeing the Living At Home test kitchen tooo. It was great!
  • Hugs to Elizabeth and the DaWanda gang for the decor8 & DaWanda event in Berlin. It was a huge success! Also to Nic and all of the other great new friends that I was able to meet there. It was exciting for me to stand before such a large audience to talk about something I'm so passionate about - blogging and building a small business through networking online. Thank you DaWanda!
  • And of course, thank you to Petra for the many cups of mint tea in your studio, Anne for our trips to the salon together (curly hair - oh my!) and fun times in Berlin, Esra for everything you did for me (you're in my circle, baby!), and the many other friends and family that I have in Germany who treated me like a princess and gave my husband and I lots of help in our new home here. I cannot believe my apartment is a before and after success because of your help, rides to pick up everything from hammers to paint, the many trips to IKEA, and for your support and love.

Some light reading for my journey home...

And so I depart Germany in the morning feeling mixed inside -- sad but at the same time excited because I'll soon see my family and friends waiting on the other side of the pond. It's always bittersweet to have to exchange one life for the other but I'll be back in Germany for 5 months again starting in May (right after I attend the ICFF this year in NYC) so until then I wish you farewell and a safe and happy 2009. Until we meet again Germany!

I need to finish packing but I'll be back online Monday to say hello and leave you with some nice posts to read over the holidays. You can also look for me today and Friday over at Real Simple if you'd like.

And to all who wrote to me to ask, yes we FINALLY have power in New Hampshire after the ice storm. My friends checked out my house last night and the lights finally went on so we'll be flying home to a warm and cozy house (thank goodness!).



(images from holly becker for decor8)


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