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A Whimsical Home in Seattle

I’m honored to take you into the home of a lady that I admire in every way, shape and form… someone that not only has followed her heart so freely but who generously invites thousands of her fans to follow dreams of their own through her inspirational book and blog, as well as the classes she teaches where she inspires others to paint from their authentic place, to paint from the heart. This lady is artist and author Kelly Rae Roberts and she’s altogether lovely. Her home radiates her personality so perfectly — one who knows her cannot help but see her spirit dancing through every room of this colorful, positive space. For those of you just learning about Kelly, please take a moment to explore her world and if you’re out there feeling a bit lost, stuck in a creative rut or in need of finding a path in life, Kelly has a new book that I’ve listed at the bottom of this post that just may get you started as you take flight.

Kelly Rae Roberts

I was thrilled when she contacted me today to share her new home in Seattle, Washington with decor8 readers. In the photos and words that follow, you will be transported to Kelly’s happy place as everything she touches feels very alive and soulful. I’ve asked her to complete a few sentences about her home, my words are boldface and hers are italicized. I hope you’ll follow along… Let’s go visit Kelly together!

My first name is Kelly Rae but I’ve always loved the first name Storie Rose but, oh well.

My home has 3 bedrooms and was built in the late 1800’s (before they started keeping records in 1900 so we’re not sure on the exact year).

The architectural style of my home is farmhouse.

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

I would describe my personal style in three words: colorful, vintage, and creative.

My office/studio design was inspired by blues with greens with browns (so calming).

I am an artist for a living but wish I was doing more painting (where does the time go?).

I live in Seattle but would love to live in New Zealand or maybe Italy.

In my house I love to lounge on our green couch, paint in my studio, make tea in our kitchen, and CHILL OUT on the weekends and during my free time.

My real passion is painting, and writing, and decorating.

My favorite cleaning tips are: spend 15 minutes a day picking up, share house duties with your partner (50/50), and listen to music while doing your 15 minutes a day.


Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

My favorite objects in my home are the original art and our photo/memory boxes.

In this house I live with my husband and our sweet hemophiliac dog, Bella.

My favorite place to hang out in my home is in the bedroom because it’s sunny and cozy and it’s where i can read in bed (so relaxing).

This house is different from other places I’ve lived because it’s bigger. We’ve always been in tiny one bedroom apartments so a three bedroom home feels incredibly deluxe.

My decorating philosophy is the same as my painting philosophy: there are no rules. no mistakes. just you and your creative spirit coming out to play.

I stay organized by not letting things pile up, mail or otherwise.

If you visit my house, these are my only rules: Relax. Make a mess. Get in the hot tub.

I plan to live here for a long, long time.

My tips on renovating on a budget: one room at a time , only buy things that you are absolutely in love with, and always take risks, be bold. You won’t be sorry.

Kelly Rae Roberts

Kelly Rae Roberts

You can view more gorgeous photos of Kelly’s new home right here.

Find Kelly online: Her book Taking Flight, Stationery/Magnets, Flickr, Etsy, Blog, Website.

Thank you Kelly for writing to me and sharing with us your gorgeous living space. Congratulations!

(images from kelly rae roberts)