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London Designers To Watch

I felt so flattered when Margarita Lorenzo, a graphic & textile designer based in London from Chocolate Creative, wrote in asking if I'd like to share her views from a couple of London handmade design fairs she recently attended. Um... let me think about this. Right. YES! So Margarita has pulled together some of her opinions and rounded up a few of her favorite designers here for all of us to enjoy. I'm calling this the London Designers To Watch since I see some genuine talent here. Ready to view some beautiful handwork?

Take it away, Margarita!

Solenne Morigeaud

I attended the Central St Martins textile degree show recently, and as usual was presented with an amazing variety of work. I am glad that they have this public events, where people can view and appreciate the gorgeous work of these talented future designers. On my visit to the show, I met Solenne Morigeaud, a graduate from the Masters in textile futures. She is a Paris-born surface designer, that having graduated in fashion and textile design at ESAA Duperré school in Paris, went on to do this masters. I love her work, it is very unique and dedicated. This antique door is the piece that she was exhibiting at the show, GORGEOUS! Smoke and Mirrors is a collection of mirrors, glass and wallpaper that blur and interact with our perception. The inspiration comes from ink stains, clouds, shadows and smoke trails – coincidental patterns that create an unforeseen imagery. Mirrors are etched, laser-cut and overlaid, creating unexpected illusion effects. Through her work, Solenne imagines the future of textiles as a way to encourage people to get into their imagination, too often forgotten.


I met Mijae at the Chelsea Textile Degree Show and she was very nice and took her time to explain her project. She makes garments with the fabrics that she designs to mimic brick work. I can see why she gets so inspired by bricks -- not only they are everywhere is London, but the colors and textures that they can achieve over the years are extraordinary! I like the simplicity of her work, don't you?

Xiang Zeng

I saw Xiang Zeng’s movable wallpaper, Freerange Doodle, at the show too and thought it was a clever and very cute idea of telling a story. This time not through a book but via an interactive medium, where you get to make your own version of the tale and became the narrator of your unique wallpaper… very creative!

Lilli Cowley-Wood

Another designer that caught my eye was textile designer Lilli Cowley-Wood. Birds, parrots, dogs, plants, etc…they all seem to live in this beautiful, imaginary world… I love her drawings!

Aurelia Dupas

More and more talent... next meet designer Aurelia Dupas (sorry no link). Her blankets were one of the first things I saw at the show. I fell in love with them from the distance and the closer I got the more I liked them, so much detail, the fabric textures... She uses natural fabrics and dyes, hand stitching and silk screen prints such beautiful patterns. Her collection is called Warmest Feelings comfort blankets for adults.

More work I love...

Betty Pepper

Betty Pepper, Textile design and jewelry artist: I don't have words to describe Betty's work, it is extraordinary! So delicate, unique, gorgeous... I remember seeing her work at Origin in London, and falling for her unique way of doing textiles and paper media together. Her work is very distinctive, the fabrics she choose, the old books, the vintage look of her work, everything is so beautifully put together.

Jennifer Collier

Jennifer Collier: Textiles designer from Manchester Metropolitan University. Found papers, buttons and ribbon transformed into hats, pins, and artwork.

For addition London design inspiration and highlights from shows that I attend, please visit me over at the Chocolate Creative blog! - Margarita.

Thank you Margarita for this lovely round up. I see a definite theme in London when it comes to design and enjoy seeing this view through the eyes of a London local. Thanks again!

(images supplied by margarita lorenzo)