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Jana Orsolic Blog

Ivana is a reader from the UK who wrote to me about Jana Orsolic, a designer/art director from Serbia because she thought I'd love her blog. Well, thank you Ivana for the suggestion and you are right - it's a great site with plenty of unique finds. It is written primarily in Serbian but also some English, but with links highlighted and lots of interesting photos, I found my way around just fine. First, I found her own gorgeous online portfolio...

Jana Orsolic

Jana Orsolic

Jana Orsolic

Wow Jana! She does these amazing wish lists for a Serbian magazine called Sensa that covers topics related to women’s beauty and health and the importance of having a healthy, happy life. I found it interesting that it's actually under the umbrella of G&J here in Germany, a huge international magazine company. Wow! I have to get my hands on a copy of the September issue (can anyone help me? I will return the favor with a beautiful German magazine)... what a gorgeously designed mag! Can you get enough of this, wow? Again, blowing me away...

fruit notes

On Jana's blog she highlights numerous products and movies that catch her eye as an art director. That's how I found out about these Fruit Notes from Japanese company D-Bros. Sorry, I have no clue where you can buy them online but wow, they are definitely fresh & juicy. I would love an apple or pear near my phone.

Jana if you're reading this you've inspired me so much! I feel a connection to your work despite never have met you. I'm sure those reading this do too. Just seeing these layouts makes me feel so refreshed because I often imagine things like this in my head but fail to see them in the magazines I read. You make the connection that I long for... warmth, spirituality and organic beauty combined. Lovely!

(images: jana orsolic/sensa magazine, d-bros and sensa photos by Mihajlo Savic)