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Etsy Take Five Tuesday

So many pretty things for you enjoy today, so please... sit back and relax as I take you on a little trip of my top five etsy sellers of the week. :)

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Munieca: {etsy} {flickr}

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Alice B Gardens: {etsy - first shop} {etsy - second shop} {flickr} {blog}

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Elisabeth Bentz: {etsy} {blog}

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Fiction Shop: {etsy} {blog}

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Laura Amiss: {etsy}

Did you enjoy my picks? I hope so. Do you have some of your own that you'd like to share? If so, please mention them below in the comments section with a link so that I may consider them for a future take five! Thank you!

(images: linked to their sources above)