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Girl Time

Sometimes all you really want to do is to wear extraordinary girly-cute clothes, sassy high heels and surround yourself with nothing more than pastel French macaroons and decadent cupcakes. Marie Antoinette style. Which is precisely the look I think the stylist here was going for when these shots were produced for Vogue Girl magazine in Korea back in 2007.

Vogue Girl Korea

Finding these images for the first time today on the style blog, Fashion Nation, I felt like the time was just perfect for me personally. Gee... being a girl is such a treat, is it not? I think we all need to give ourselves a bit more girl time. Spend quiet moments browsing perfumes, take a moment to dine or have tea alone in your favorite spot, purchase a gorgeous little something to wear to bed, enjoy a night out with your lady friends... we girls need this sort of thing. Take it from me, as I just had a most lovely ladies lunch today with a most dear friend, you simply must buy out time to do something fantastic for yourself either by yourself or with a person who doesn't stress you out or bring you one bit of negativity. It's so refreshing to enjoy these special breaks and will make you feel inspired and refreshed like you wouldn't believe. And doing it on a Monday is priceless... sets the tone for the whole week I think. Try it sometime and let me know if it made your week a little sweeter to take a break on Monday to do something you-specific. :) Hey, being a little self absorbed or spoiling yourself now and then can be a really nice thing. I vote we do it more often!

(images: vogue girl, korea, 2007)