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Happy Autumn!

Can you believe it's October 1st and the beginning of Autumn? Today it truly arrived and to celebrate, we went out to this tiny spot for lunch that we enjoy and had the most delicious homemade chicken soup with crusty bread. And then we went for coffee and cake, a ritual here daily around 4:00 p.m. when cafes are packed. Afterwards, it was time to hit the farmers' market where we went flower shopping and bought a ton of fresh veggies from the farmers in our region as I plan to make two kinds of soup: chicken coconut and vegetable rice. I also found the best caramel-colored leather boots that I adore - those I found last night and they are gorgeous, like something out of the 70s and will keep my legs warm. Autumn is lovely, isn't it?

autumn arrives...

So tell me, what traditions do you follow in the Fall? Where do you like to go? What do you enjoy doing at home with your family? Do you have favorite outdoor activities that you like to engage in? For me, Autumn is all about long walks in the forest, attending festivals outdoors, travel, collecting chestnuts and acorns, and wearing layers of clothes and cute hats. It's also about cooking soups and baking. :) I was sitting on the sofa this morning thinking about the changing of the seasons, what I'll do to "warm" up my decor for the next few months, and looked on my coffee table and thought I'd capture the moment with the photo above. It really captures the season to me. The colors, the crochet, the book, the warm wood...

Ah, Autumn... I love you, my favorite season, my cozy friend who returns loyally each and every year.

(photography: holly becker for decor8)