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Talk It Out: Should I Remove a Blog Post?

After my bloggy blog was down for several hours today, I felt a bit disconnected from you and eager to come back and write since I'm not one to stay away for long! So how is everyone out there in blogland today? As I'm typing this post, I'm watching the MTV EMA music awards live in Berlin, which is a bit surreal to be living so close to Berlin knowing all that is going on so close by -- but also that it's the 20th year now after the wall fell which is why MTV selected Berlin as the host city for the awards this year. I just made a chai latte so I'd have enough sugar in me to blog since it's 11 pm here now! But I'm energized and ready to write! So... let's throw out the question of the week for the new decor8 column, Talk It Out.... shall we? This question is rather interesting and was sent in by blogger Trina Brandon from Decor Addict.

::elephant & butterfly::

"Just over a year ago, I visited a store and met with the owner, interviewed him, and of course blogged about it. I absolutely LOVE the store, and everything in it. But, a problem with the store has arisen in the past 6 months or so, I have been receiving emails from countless amounts of readers saying that they visited the store, and when ordering/buying from the shops custom furniture line, they have yet to receive any of their goods. Many customers of the store are now taking him to court for goods not received/fraud, etc. The store owner is cashing deposit cheques, not returning phone calls, and not following through with any delivery promises either. I have been asked by many of my readers to remove my "glowing" review of the store, which I have now done, as I don't want to lose readers, or upset them either. I haven't myself experienced anything negative with this store in the past, fortunately, but I have received enough negative feedback from my reader's to warrant removal."

"Just wondering if you have experienced this in the past? And if you think, or the decor8 readers out there think this was the right thing to do? What about other bloggers, what would you do in my shoes? "

(image: holly becker for decor8)