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Happy Weekend!

I'm signing off for the weekend as it's 3pm here and I'm eager to get moving on my weekend plans! I hope that you have fun reading the articles that I've posted for your enjoyment and inspiration today. Please have a happy weekend and enjoy - there is no sense in having time off unless you do a few good things for yourself. Take a bath, spritz on some perfume and slide on those heels and go for cocktails with your friends, draw something that you've been visualizing in your mind all week, collect leaves and other treasures left behind by nature, play with your children, hit the museum... there is so much to do that will leave you refreshed and energized.

Lovely Print

I'd love to share something with you that I experienced recently. I was taking a walk with someone and noticed 3 shops, empty, with the most beautiful architectural details. But they looked lonely and unloved though they're in a lovely neighborhood. As I looked at them, I told my companion that I would love to see these empty spaces become something special -- an art gallery, cafe, cupcake shop, something creative and inspirational. My companion commented that there was much work to be done on the interior, it needed a good paint job, and that parking in the area was quite bad. But we're in the city, I thought, who cares about parking. But I respectfully listened to my companions concerns.

Upon returning home that evening, I thought about the concerns and issues shared that evening. And I thought some more. Then I realized that if only we put our time and efforts more into defending WHY WE CAN do something versus WHY WE CANNOT, the world would be such a better place. So many more magical things could be created, replenished, made to shine. So I guess I will part with this message today. When you find yourself listing reasons as to why you cannot do something, switch the button and start defending it with the same amount of passion - start finding ways in which you CAN do it. That is the difference between living your dreams yourself or constantly watching others live your dreams.

One last thing before I head out as you may be wondering about this playful numbers print shown above and if so, well here's your answer. It's a collaborative work between Sandra Juto, Mija Carlsson & Malena Forsare and is now available in Sandra's online shop in case you'd like one for your home. Sandra is so talented and deserves every good thing that comes to her. I am continuously inspired by her work and life.

What will you do this weekend? I'm going to bake for my brother-in-law, go to the train station to check a few schedules since we plan to vacation soon, and work on a little something I have up my sleeve that I'll be sharing on decor8 later this month.

So... Have a fantastic weekend. I'll see you again on Monday!

(images: sandra juto)