Shanon Gass Photography

Looking for a little special something? If you've been reading for awhile then you already know that I'm a fan of the photography of Shanon Gass of My Fine Garden. Not only does she have a lovely aesthetic and is a complete natural but as a person she takes the cake -- she's a genuinely nice lady who is warm and charming. We've exchanged emails and are somewhat penpals and I really enjoy our notes -- they're meaningful and encouraging. I feel so lucky to meet and maintain friendships with so many good people like Shanon. And speaking of good...

Shanon Gass Photography

If you'd like to add a photo of hers to your home or would like to give one as a gift to a special person, she is offering readers a promotional offer until December 13. Visit her shop here and purchase any photo and you'll get a second one for 1/2 off! Just enter "PNSHoliday" in the note to sellers box.

My favorite: taken saved (love!)

(images: shanon gass)


Etsy Take Five Tuesday


Line Klein Photography