Happy Weekend!

Thank you for joining me on decor8 this week, as always it was nice to play hostess and share inspiration and ideas with you. I have so much going on this weekend, including another place to go see (we're searching for a new flat) and a lovely little local ladies meeting here in my neighborhood with some designers I admire as I'm baking an idea that I want to share with them to promote creativity and design locally. And to get me in the mood for Spring, I went out and bought some flowers at the market, though tulips are all I could find and a few sprigs or this and that, but they make me happy so I went with them again... I tried to create a little Spring in my home this morning, and thankfully the sunshine is helping me out.

Spring in here..

Spring in here..

I also have materials to write for week two of the class that I am teaching and a podcast to record, and of course date night with my husband. Like most of us, I'll be busy again until we meet back on Monday but it is a good busy and fingers crossed that the place we look at is THE place and I can put aside my apartment hunt and get on with my life because really... isn't it the most consuming task ever? My goodness! So with that, I wish you all a cozy and wonderful weekend and I hope that you can find something that will bring in a little bit of spring to your home this weekend too.

Bis spaeter!

(images: holly becker for decor8)


Laura Walker


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