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Jayme McGowan

If this doesn't inspire paper lovers out there, I fear nothing will. Jayme McGowan of Roadside Projects in California is an amazingly gifted artist and 3D illustrator known and loved for her intricately cut paper and whimsical characters who, lucky for us, makes some of her originals into inexpensive prints available here online. You may even be lucky enough to find a few gorgeous originals.

Jayme McGowan

As I look through these I cannot help but to imagine seeing her work turned into pop-up books based on her magical visions or even bigger, life-size theater sets or stop motion animation. Of course, her art is simply lovely as is, but it can't help but make one dream which is what makes her work so special -- you cannot help but look at it and see movement, stories and well, life!

(images: jayme mcgowan)