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Etsy Take Five Tuesdays

Today for Etsy Take Five Tuesdays I thought I'd change things up a bit and instead of grouping by seller, I'd just toss out a whole bunch of beautiful things and let you have at them! :) I was so inspired by a sunny lemon theme that I saw on the Etsy home page today that I went with a little lemon, green and blue which -- if you've been following decor8 this week so far -- has been a bit of a color theme here on the blog. I usually get into the green/yellow/blue theme in April but this year it didn't strike me until just a few days ago. But when it hits, it hits me hard because it's such a brilliant, happy color combination don't you think? Let's see some beautiful things by a bunch of fantastic etsy sellers today, shall we?

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Exhibit A: 1. Flores del sol, 2. Depuis, 3. Fleur Fatale, 4. Sleepy King, 5. Bonde and 6. Penny Wishes.

Etsy Take Five Tuesday/p>

Exhibit B: 1. Siiso 2. Printed Pretties 3. Bonte, 4. Wilkintie, 5. Roseau, 6. Siiso, 7. Simply Hue, 8. Pocket Carnival and 9. 3 Lamps Graphics.

Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Exhibit C: 1. Tortoise Loves Donkey, 2. Honey Tree, 3. Roddy and Ginger, 4. Claudia Pearson and 5. Bonbi Forest.

What do you see that you like? I love that Abe Lincoln quote, don't you? "Whatever you are, Be a good one."- how true!

(images: linked to their sources above)