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New decor8 Column: Handmade Home

I have some exciting news that I must share before the weekend begins. I hired a second columnist to write on decor8, so in addition to the lovely Leslie Shewring and her wildly popular Color Me Pretty column I now have the talented Anna-Malin Lindgren from Helt Enkelt, a Swedish blogger, photographer, illustrator, craft lover, wife, mother and DIY-queen joining us. I can't wait to work with her, I'm so happy she has accepted!

New decor8 columnist!

I met Anna-Malin last year (I wrote about it here) and saw her beautiful home and was so impressed that I knew that somehow I would think of a way that we could work together -- so of course, parts of her home is in my upcoming book but beginning next week, you can expect Anna-Malin to visit us once a month for the entire year with a DIY project that she will produce especially for decor8 readers that she'll share in English. I agreed to let her show it on her own blog in Swedish a week later, but we have first dibs and she is creating them with the decor8 reader in mind so we can count on her to share projects that we'll all love.

New decor8 columnist!

New decor8 columnist!

New decor8 columnist!

New decor8 columnist!

New decor8 columnist!

In this post you can see some photos from Anna-Malin's beautiful blog to give you a glimpse of her fresh, Scandinavian style -- and to whet your appetite for the projects that she'll be sharing with us! And stay tuned, because next week her column will debut and she will demonstrate how we can make a very cool pendant lamp on a budget.

My goal is to have 4 columnists on decor8 so I'm looking for 2 more to join me so that I can have Mondays each week devoted entirely to our visiting columnist of the week. I'll let you know how my search goes!

Thank you Anna-Malin for accepting my offer to work with me on decor8, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

(images: anna-malin lindgren)