Matthew Mead Summer Issue

Hello lovely friends, I'm on a roll with posts today so you'll have to forgive me... :) I thought that since I am a contributor to the Matthew Mead Summer Issue that I'd help him spread the word and yes, I know that I already shared a huge sneak peek of the issue with you already (here)... But because I've already seen the entire spread of stories and noticed that everything is so nicely done that I think you may enjoy a few more glimpses of what he has in store for you with his second issue. As I told you already, Leslie Shewring and I teamed up to produce a 3 page story about creativity that you will find in this issue which is quite a delight for us to have our first collaboration in print. We hope that you like our story! matthew mead mag

To purchase Matthew Mead Summer, please click here.

Congrats Matthew to another winning issue!

(image: matthew mead)


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davidmetnicole in Sydney