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Inspiring Views From 91 Magazine

I'm so happy to see the fresh new issue (No.4) of 91 Magazine that just went live online today. It's packed with beautiful images (some of my favorites shown below) and inspirational projects along with decorating tips, product highlights, trendy bits and more, including a review of my upcoming book! I loved seeing the neons and pastels feature too. I have a neons and pastels board over on Pinterest if you want further inspiration but my, my, my this is the sweetest work area ever, am I right or AM I RIGHT people!? 91 Magazine

Caroline, who leads the magazine, has a great eye and each issue is getting better and better and BETTER. I love watching her grow and seeing the magazine evolve along with her. Check out the triangle art work over the bed below. How easy is that to try at home with markers, paint or washi tape?

91 Magazine

I'm also so pleased that Caroline is the very first person to have seen the PDF version of my upcoming book that is still being printed on distant shores and that she took the time to review it - see the blurb below on the left side of the page. Yippppeeee!

The first review of Decorate Workshop!

She read it and gave it a lovely review in her magazine on page 9 and I'm so appreciative of her glowing review of the UK edition of Decorate Workshop published by Jacqui Small, which is now available for pre-order over at Amazon US from Chronicle Books and Amazon UK. Thank you again Caroline, the first review of a new book is always so exciting for any author so this is extra special news today! In addition to the neons & pastels story and the review of my upcoming book, I loved these color-themed office supply stories - they made me smile big. Beautiful, right?!

91 Magazine

91 Magazine

91 Magazine

91 Magazine

91 Magazine

91 Magazine

91 Magazine is a feminine, eclectic, romantic and altogether lovely digital publication that you simply don't want to miss so check it out RI Great work, Caroline!

(images: 91 magazine)