Watermelon Jalapeño Salad Recipe

Are you ready to watch a quick and inspiring video showing you how to make a refreshing watermelon salad? Hello, it’s Jewels again from Liz & Jewels, here to share another one of my little Food in Motion videos! As you guys know I’m still kind of a new mama. My daughter Clementine is 11 months old now. She just learned how to crawl and is keeping us on our toes! She spoiled us pretty well by starting to get mobile so late. For the first 10 months we didn’t really need to worry about the outlets, the pointy table corners, the remote control, our dog’s water bowl, the bottom drawers, the open dishwasher, etc. Now, many water puddles, a few accidents, and a couple of dog treats in Clementine’s mouth later, we have gotten used to constantly following her every step. If it gets quiet in the bathroom we know: she got tangled up in the toilet paper again. Watermelon_Salad_001

I love being a mom but I sometimes miss a night all by myself on the couch, with no one to worry about - just me, myself, and I with my tv show (currently Orange Is the New Black!) and a bowl of food just for me. When I cook for my husband and myself, I try to create a legitimate meal with the usual components. But when it’s just for me, I like a huge bowl of kale salad with parmesan or greek yoghurt with berries or one of my summer favorites is this watermelon salad.

It is so refreshing! The watermelon has such a beautiful sweetness to it, the jalapeño give it some heat, the feta cheese adds the necessary creaminess, and the cilantro adds the special flavor. I sometimes mix in veggie bacon if I have it around and of course you can use real bacon, too! I can eat so much of this salad and then pass out happily with a round watermelon belly.

As you can see in the video, the recipe is super easy:

1/8 of a watermelon 1/2 of a green apple 1/2 of a cucumber 1/2 of a jalapeno (depending on how spicy you like it!) juice of 1 lime 1/2 block of feta cheese a few cilantro leaves

Chop up the watermelon, apple and cucumber into bite size cubes. Cut the jalapeno into tiny pieces. Drizzle the lemon juice on top of everything. Finish up with the minced cilantro. Eat all by yourself.- Jewels

(image/video: julia cawley)


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