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Kartell + Nendo For The Nursery

I was reading about the sweetest collaboration this morning over breakfast between Italian design giant Kartell and Japanese design firm, Nendo, lead by Oki Sato and I have to share it! I really love what they've done for the modern nursery and toddler room. Look at these sweet stools and rocking horses. Aren't they just the best for a minimalist nursery decor? I particularly liked reading about the design process for the horse, which I've included below straight from Oki Sato himself. Kartell-Final_Presentation

About the rocking horse design, "The steel “H-beams” used in large structures such as skyscrapers and bridges are very strong and highly efficient. In cross-section they are shaped literally like an “H” and it is this characteristic that gives the structure its mechanical strength. By applying this concept directly to a child’s rocking horse, a form has been created that displays both function and strength, even with minimum use of materials. Transforming the use of this practical component into a different use with a sense of playfulness is the design process traceable to the history of the Kartell company. This company began by manufacturing and selling highly functional laboratory equipment and is now engaged in the manufacturing of beautiful plastic furniture and accessories admired around the world." Form and function is, in this case, perfectly married in my eyes.


I love the smile seating shown above too. It's so whimsical and happy! See the tops? HAPPY FACES! Yes! It's like having emoticons under your butt. :) Whenever you see these stools you cannot help but smile.

Both the rocking horse and the seating will be available in January 2017. I just had to share them - super playful and I'd definitely add the seating to Aidan's room in a flash. Anything that makes me smile, I'm in!!!!

Hope all is well...

(via MilK, Photography: Kartell)