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10 Stylish Wallpapers For Teens

Let's talk about pre-teen and teen room decorating for a moment because so many girls are out there who love to decorate their rooms but aren't sure how to begin. I was once a teen obsessed with decorating my bedroom and today I meet lots of girls between 11-17 who ask me for tips and help with their rooms because they tag along with their mom to my book launch parties because they are curious. It's the cutest thing that I've observed over the past year - more teens coming to my launch parties because they're interested in decorating.

No wonder Anthropologie is pulling back from the clothing space and moving more into the decorating world because the big trend in western society is definitely ALL ABOUT THE HOME right now. Fashion will always be important, but the home needs to look good too, right?

Even in Germany, a country where fashion was always first and few really cared about their home decor in comparison to Americans or Danes - it's becoming very important in German society to have a very well-decorated home with all the latest pieces from trendy ceramic pieces to a great sofa. In fact, many Scandinavian brands are moving into Germany now which is having a huge influence on the market here and overall decor style. Creating a home that you love is where it's at! Most of us start so young too. I was decorating before I was 10, in fact I remember having huge ideas for my room when I was 6. My opinions were so strong that my parents let me pick out my own bedroom furniture and didn't force their ideas - what I wanted was what I got and fortunately for them, even at the ripe old age of 6 (!) I had good taste. :)

Let's talk about teens and decorating. One thing I always tell young girls is to paint or wallpaper and go a little crazy if it fits their personality or to go glam or trendy if they prefer that route. Teenage girls love trends and glamour, they want to be grown up in one sense but totally girly in another.

I believe it's one of those spaces where you can go bonkers because you are young and free. Do it. Plus, it's a blank canvas and you are the artist so experiment and play. In fact, your bedroom as a teenager is the best canvas because in that space, you can learn what you like from color and texture to overall style. Though it will evolve over the years, it's a great way to get started and to decorate.

To inspire you a little, let's look at some patterned wallpaper from Esta Home. They make HUNDREDS of creative, quirky and colorful patterns that I think work great in teenage sleep spaces and even dorm rooms. Here are my 10 picks, some even a mom may want to put out in the dining or living room space (like my favorite - the white faux brick).

1// Polaroid cameras in shiny copper

2// Check pink peach

3// Hearts in vintage blue

4// White Brick (This also works for an adult space - I'd hang this in a second!)

5// Peach pink beads

6// Hearts in Beige

7// Polaroid photos in dark grey

8// Perfume bottles in shiny copper

9// Polaroid photos in white

10// Girls in black and white

I wish we had these options for wallpaper when I was sweet 16. Go for it girls, you're only a teenager once!

xo - Holly

(photos: esta home)