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Tour This Colorful + Cheerful Dutch Home

Hello lovely friends and happy Friday! I can’t wait to spend the weekend with my little boy, I want to play games with him and take him to the Christmas markets again, and invite his friends over to play. It’s such a magical time of year. What will you do this weekend?

Today, I want to inspire you with another home tour from the #mydecor8 series. You can follow more beautiful homes as part of this tour on Instagram by looking up hashtag #mydecor8.

This colorful, cheerful nest belong to Anki Wijnen from Zilverblauw who lives in Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. She owns this home, which is 175 m2, along with her husband, two sons, and a siamese cat named Pjoes, also known as #rotsiamees on Instagram. Below are photos from her home along with a flash interview, so you can learn more about Anki and her favorite things.

Anki, what does HOME mean to you?

A place where we can be ourselves, a reflection of who we are.

How do you describe your style?

Light, bright, with graphic elements.

What do you love to do at home?

Sit by our fireplace.

What do you love to cook?

Mexican food.

What is your favorite candle and scent for the home?

Skog and Fjord by Danish fragrance brand Skandinavisk.

What is on your playlist?

Lots of Christmas music, at the moment. I love Christmas. We have a radio station that broadcasts only Christmas songs and I listen to it almost 24/7 from November until the new year.

What do you love most about your home?

The old, authentic details.

What would you like to change?

We still need to renovate our studio, the former owners used it as a private pub and it still looks like that. It’s dark, with small windows. We want to turn it into a white, bright space, but I’m afraid it will take some time since we’ve just finished renovating the living room and are in desperate need for a break after all the renovating.

What is important to you when you visit someone else’s home?

Nothing really. I just hope they are happy living there.

When you have people over, how does that usually play out?

We have a large garden with a pizza oven (the outdoor oven from Dutch design brand Weltevree) so usually we make and bake our own pizzas. We even use the outdoor oven to bake pizzas in winter. It’s so cozy and warm around the fire of the oven and nothing tastes better than homemade pizza.

What is your dream piece to buy for the home?

I would love one of these wood burning stoves for in our studio from EPS Collection.

Fresh flowers or a plant?

Fresh flowers, although this plant is high on my wish list from WOUT.

Red wine or white?

No wine at all, I rarely drink alcohol, although my last name is Wijnen, ‘wines’ in Dutch. What’s in a name, right? 

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Favorite city to shop for home and fashion and why?

Den Bosch is a nice city with lots of design shops, pretty restaurants and creative places.

Favorite Instagram accounts?

@wowncrew @enigheid @ohmariemag @cristiankiesling @middleclasswhitegirl

Thank you so much Anki for this lovely tour!

(Photographs with permission from Anki Wijnen)