Hello Holly Podcast: Stefan Nilsson Talks About His Work As Europe's Leading Trend Hunters

This podcast is so exciting to me because Stefan Nilsson is a really fabulous person and a lot of fun to chat with, but beyond that, he’s my friend and his opinions are more than fluff - when he calls out a trend, it’s more than just guesstimating, it’s based on what he sees, smells, predicts, the conversations he’s having and the 20+ design industry fairs and events that he visits EACH YEAR.

trendstefan on HELLO HOLLY podcast

Stefan is the REAL DEAL, a trend hunter with the instinct on trends that no business school or e-course can give you. He’s always asking questions, he listens, he contemplates, he explores, examines, turns things over again and again and with over 20 years of experience, he’s got loads of experience which is absolutely needed to become one of the leading European design and interior trend hunters.

Stefan Nilsson, most commonly referred to as “trend stefan”, is Sweden’s best-known trend hunter and regularly contributes to TV, radio, and magazines.

Living in Stockholm, he travels the world in search of interiors trends from China to Brazil, Poland to France, and beyond. He’s invited by fairs as a keynote speaker, a lecturer and to simply BE THERE because of his reach and who he is.

The best part is that we get to go in his pocket since he so generously documents his finds online at trendstefan.se since 2006, and on his Instagram account @trendstefan daily. He also has Youtube videos and reports for sale that he produces on his website. If that’s not enough, he’s a sought-after lecturer by design fairs and agencies globally - I’ve been to some of them, this man is Ted Talk material. I love to listen to him. In fact, he’ll be with me on panels in January, so if you are visiting Domotex or Formland, please do look at the lecture series and find us - he’ll be on panels with me talking about what else - TRENDS!

Anyway, I love this podcast with Stefan, he’s witty and sincere, smart, lively and most of all, you’ll walk away with a few new ideas when it comes to trends and shopping. This podcast is one of my favorites - please do listen on this merry chrstimas day!

If you like this podcast, please rate it and leave a review on iTunes and if you think your friends should listen, please share it and tag us at @hollymagazin @decor8 and #hollymag so we can reshare the love!

Thank you so much and enjoy episode 4 of HELLO HOLLY!



Holly Becker

Holly Becker is the Founder and Author of design and lifestyle site, decor8. She is an international Best-selling Author, Photographer, Online Educator and Designer with 4 books published in over 20 languages.


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