The #1 Holiday Interior Trend For 2020

I was thinking today about Holiday decor trends for this year because in the stores I’m already seeing Christmas overload… Baubles and fake snow and reindeer…. Yet, I wonder, is this year really going to be a re-hashing of Holiday’s past, or are we beyond plastic lawn ornaments and fake trees? Is it time to evolve the Holidays a bit?

I know this is a sensitive topic, but let’s just go there anyway, ok? Let’s imagine a holiday that won’t put us into debt, that isn’t stressful, that won’t include people we’d rather not see just because they’re technically family. Imagine a holiday that feels so relaxing that, when it’s time to return to work in January, you truly feel that you had a vacation and not like you still need another week or two off to recover.


This year, Corona gives us an excuse to recreate how we each decide to do Christmas. Or Hanukkah or whatever you do (or do not) celebrate. I believe Corona gives us a chance to take on a new trend that I’m calling SLOW HOLIDAY. This epidemic could possibly reset us and how we handle our holidays going forward, have you ever considered that? Because this year WE CAN AVOID overspending, in-laws who annoy us, and over-decorating because, you know, “COVID-19”. It’s the perfect excuse for everything, you really gotta try it sometime (smile).

I listen more than I talk lately. Soaking in all of the Zoom calls, talking to friends all over the world on Whatsapp, reading the news and magazines, purusing forums and Facebook group convos, reading books, READING Instagram (vs. just looking)… And outside of the typical Kardashian and Influencer types, NO ONE is impressed with excess right now. In fact, it’s a massive source of irritation because many are struggling to survive. Holiday 2020 can be really simple, slow, rewarding and more sustainable. It can be pretty and special, minus the big fests and lavish gifts and “going all out” extravagance. It can actually feel like TIME OFF.

Imagine that?!?!?

What does a SLOW HOLIDAY look like? Here are some LESS IS MORE-style visuals.

minimalist wreath | a daily something

minimalist wreath | a daily something

adventskranse | femina magazine denmark

adventskranse | femina magazine denmark

Handmade Advents Bags | rock my family

Handmade Advents Bags | rock my family

Mini Gingerbread Cake | erin made this

Mini Gingerbread Cake | erin made this

Twisted Taper Candles | Burke Decor

Twisted Taper Candles | Burke Decor

Kerzenbrett | traumzuhause

Kerzenbrett | traumzuhause

Soft Glazed Gingerbread Cookies | the view from great island

Soft Glazed Gingerbread Cookies | the view from great island

Simple Holiday Gift Wrap | bev weidner: @bevcooks

Simple Holiday Gift Wrap | bev weidner: @bevcooks

DIY Candle Holder | simply styled inspo

DIY Candle Holder | simply styled inspo

Hængekrans | femina magazine denmark
DIY Weihnachtsschmuck | sostrene grenes

DIY Weihnachtsschmuck | sostrene grenes

Personally, I believe that a more laid back approach is nice and I’m very happy to exchange a little less bling this year for simplicity, more handmade and sustainable, restful and cozy. A bit like a hygge-style Scandinavian Christmas, right?

How will you decorate this Holiday season?

Will you shop less and make more?

Will you aim to be more sustainable (potted Christmas tree for instance)?

Will you simplify too?

Will you have some friends and family over and if so, how do you plan to organize it?

Our Corona guidelines in Germany currently are strict (we are in 2nd lockdown at the moment) that I honestly don’t see any parties or even a table full of friends in my home anytime soon. But, let’s stay positive and embrace the quiet, try to view this as a chance to create a positive, stress-free Holiday season, and just be happy for our health, our family, and some lovely meals and decor. The #1 Trend for Holiday 2020 is simply this: SLOW DOWN // SLOW HOLIDAY. How do you like that concept? I do, very much.

With lots of hugs,

Holly Becker

Holly Becker

Holly Becker is the Founder and Author of design and lifestyle site, decor8. She is an international Best-selling Author, Photographer, Online Educator and Designer with 4 books published in over 20 languages.

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