A Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Bavaria

I love to look inside of pretty apartments and homes, and this one is a very Scandi style space in a Bavarian village just outside of Munich, Germany that’s very white, open, light and serene – a real oasis of peace and harmony.

Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany

This space is 80 sq meters (approx 800 square feet) and has 3 rooms (excluding kitchen and bathroom) and located in Wolfesing, a village about 30 minutes outside of one of Germany’s most beautiful cities, Munich.

Heike Fassler is a media designer who designs living and trade magazines, and she lives here with her husband and son. She also has a gorgeous blog called WIESOeigentlichnicht and is on Instagram @WIESOeigentlichnicht.

Heike describes her personal style very clearly as, “Bright, airy, straightforward with a lot of love for the small details, such as the design in the textiles, on vases and on different candle holders. I especially like the minimalist, Scandinavian style. This includes a lot of white, natural tones and wood for me.”

Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany

When I asked Heike what home means to her, she quickly replied, “Ankommen, Wohlfühlen, Durchatmen, sich geborgen und sicher fühlen. Ein Ort wo ich entspannen, die Füße hochlegen und die Seele baumeln lassen kann. Zuhause ist für mich auch ein Ort, wo man die Nachbarn kennt und grüßt. Bei schönem Wetter ein Schwätzchen hält und das Leben genießt.” In English, this translates, “To arrive, feel well, breathe deeply, feel safe and secure. A place where I can relax, put my feet up and take a break from everyday life. Home is also a place where you know and greet the neighbors. When the weather is nice, you chat together and enjoy life.”

Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany

In her home, Heike really loves her open ceiling, “The carpenters have created a true masterpiece… I always have a smile on my face when I lie on the couch and look at our ceiling.”

Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany

Of course, everyone wants more, more, more and always has something they’d like to change about their home. In Heike’s space, she’d love to renovate their bathroom (not shown in this tour), “I would make it completely different with larger tiles, natural tones and very different lamps and minimalist accessories. I’d also replace our floor throughout the apartment with oak parquet.”

When Heike is at home, she loves to spend time with her son, “He's just starting with puzzles, which has always been a great pleasure for me, but also reading books and painting. My son revives my imagination and creativity.” I can relate to Heike, I also love to spend time with my little boy who just turned 6 and each day, I look forward to when he comes home from kindergarten.

Aside from family, most of us like to invite over friends because it really makes a house feel like home. Heike likes to entertain but confesses she’s not such a great cook so she prefers to grill out on the balcony and to share some good schnapps from their bar or a delicious espresso from their Siebträgermaschine.

Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany
Bright, Clean Scandinavian Style Home in Southern Germany

Like many of my home tours, I love to ask a series of questions that center around favorite things, and I’ve done the same today with Heike, so here we go!

Favorite candle or scent?

I do not own scented candles, I prefer the natural scent of the forest on the doorstep or the smell of freshly made coffee.

Flowers or plants?

Anemones, daisies, peonies and ranunculus.

Favorite meal to cook and why?  

I love Italian food and Spaghetti aglio e olio is especially popular with me. Although the Italians are always doing a lot better than myself. My specialty is prawns with penne and rockets. That always works!

What’s on your playlist?  

I especially like the music of Hans Zimmer, but in good weather and suitable mood, I also like to hear the current hits of Enrique Iglesias like Bailando and Sebeme la radio, but also Marc Anthony with Vivir mi vida. There is always a holiday feeling that I like to have at home,

What’s your dream piece for the home?

I used to always want a CH24 Wishbone Chair by Carl Hansen, but since I got the In Between SK1 from &tradition I'm very happy with this design. Now I’ve added to my wish list a sofa by Muuto. The colors, the design, wow - that would be a huge highlight in our apartment. Maybe when we have more space.

Where is your favorite city to shop?

Milano, because it's such a beautiful, white city. There are not only the most beautiful shops in Italy, but also delicious food and lots of nice places.

What are your favorite Instagram accounts?

@wundernest:  (Ein Account mit viel Liebe zu Details und die Einrichtung gleicht meinem Geschmack.)  An account with a lot of love for details and the decor is similar to my taste. 

@tthese_beautfiful_thingss: (Eine liebevolle Mama, ein liebevoll eingerichtetes Zuhause und professionelle Bilder. Ein kleines Paradies.)  A loving mom, a lovingly decorated home and professional pictures. A little paradise.

@__katharinamaria: (Dezent, filigran, hell und mit ganz viel Hingabe zur Kinderzimmergestaltung.)  Subtle, filigree, bright and with a lot of devotion to the nursery design.

@zwoste: (Immer wieder schöne DIYs zum Nachmachen.)  Always nice DIYs to imitate.

@jana_wind: (Texte die mich berühren und zum Nachdenken bringen.)  Texts that touch me and make me think.

@sigi_h.ome: (Ein Mann mit gutem Interieur Geschmack.)  A man with good interior taste.

 Thank you so much for sharing a glimpse into your home and heart with us today, Heike!



(Photographs with permission by Heike Fassler)




Holly Becker

Holly Becker is the Founder and Author of design and lifestyle site, decor8. She is an international Best-selling Author, Photographer, Online Educator and Designer with 4 books published in over 20 languages.


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