German Influencers: Enter To Win The 2022 Garden & Home Blog Award by March 6th!

Hi friends, I’m happy to announce that the voting phase is about to begin for the 2022 Garden & Home Blog Award here in Germany (Die Bewerbungsphase für den 2022 Garden & Home Blog Award startet! Yippee!) and I’m so honored to be on the jury for the 6th year to decide who will win in each of our categories. I am happy to be on this jury alongside Sinja Schütte who runs some of the largest home and living magazines in Germany, Igor Josifovic of Urban Jungle Bloggers which is one of the largest plant communities online, and book author Jelena Weber this year. This means that if you want to enter to win, you’ll need to click on the link below on or before Sunday, March 6, 2022 at midnight (German time) - so hurry!

I’ve been part of the GHBA since they launched in 2017, so I know all of the lovely finalists from each year and value them so much. Each year, we also welcome new content creators into our group of finalists - it’s lovely to see the energy that surrounds this event and I’m happy to be included again for 2022! I’m hoping there will be a lot of new entries this year since I love to see how creative and innovative each of the entrants can be, but also to see new faces and names working alongside of the more established and experienced content creators here in Germany.

In September, two exciting days await our finalists in Cologne, because these days will be packed with creative workshops, inspiring discussions and a lot of time to exchange ideas on the topics around content creation, plants, DIY and interior (food is no longer a category, the team decided to really focus on DIY, plants and flowers, and interiors). The grand finale will be the dinner and awards ceremony on Saturday evening, which is where you’ll find me as I hand out an award for our interiors winner because, well, interiors are what I’m all about!

This year the format will be a little different so here’s some information on that in both English and German, below:

The awards will be part of the KREATIVZEIT (Creative Time) Festival. During this two-day festival, together with media partner HYGGE and the many brand partners, we invite all DIY fans - including your followers and all creative enthusiasts - to participate in the workshop program on September 3 or 4. The finalists of the Garden & Home Blog Awards will of course be there on September 3 where the award ceremony will then take place exclusively for our GHBA finalists and brand partners.

In diesem Jahr verleihen wir die Awards im Rahmen des KREATIVZEIT Festivals. Zu dem zweitägigen Festival laden wir gemeinsam mit GHBA Medienpartner HYGGE und Markenpartnern alle DIY-Fans – also auch eure Follower und alle Kreativ-Begeisterten! – dazu ein, an dem Workshop-Programm am 3. oder 4. September teilzunehmen. Und die Finalist:innen des GHBA sind am 3. September natürlich dabei! Die feierliche Awardverleihung findet dann im Anschluss exklusiv für unsere GHBA-Finalist:innen und Markenpartner statt.

I can’t wait to meet everyone there in September, but remember - don’t be shy - ENTER because you just may become a finalist! Imagine joining nearly 100 others at the awards ceremony with the hopes of winning! Trust me, there is room for new energy so if you have been shy about entering, and you live in Germany and work online either blogging or via Instagram, and content is something that you love to create around the topics of DIY, Plants/Garden/Flowers and Home/Interiors - go for it, really! I’m encouraging/pushing you to do it. This event is so full of warmth and love, it’s a really positive weekend for those passionate about these topics but also who really could use a creative boost right now - to gather together with like-minded people in a supportive environment is something I am really looking forward to in September. I hope you will enter, and I hope to see you there!

I want to add that the media partner for this event is the inspiring HYGGE magazine and the partners are:

Follow @gardenandhomeblogaward on Instagram for daily updates, too!

Me with my then colleague, Steffi Pikat, from HYGGE.

Fresh flowers are everywhere for this event - wonderful!

A photo I took in the gardens, I just love how it came out.

Me and Igor from Urban Jungle Bloggers (who is also back on the jury this year - yeah Igor!)

The location for the workshops in Münster in 2020.

There I am arriving to the location, a former farm outside of Münster, where the workshops were held. I was making a video for Intagram :) of course / Photo: Nikilowski for GHBA

Me (far left) on a panel discussion about the future of blogging and influencers / Photo: Nikilowski for GHBA

I wish you lots of love and I hope to meet you in Cologne! :)



Holly Becker

Holly Becker is the Founder and Author of design and lifestyle site, decor8. She is an international Best-selling Author, Photographer, Online Educator and Designer with 4 books published in over 20 languages.

10 Ways To Make Yourself and Your Home Feel Better During Difficult Times


4 Ways To Select Art + Objects for a Gallery Art Wall