coffee + cre8tive {oct 3 '06}

Today is a holiday here in Germany, the Day of German Unity, so we spent time eating with the family (homemade German food is so yummy) and taking walks through the forest and then, the city. Overall, it's very quiet here today, it is nice just to rest, grab a cafe latte, and stroll around the nearly empty city streets. We popped into a cafe called Am Thielenplatz, and fell totally in love with the decor in mostly red, white, and black with hints of canary yellow.
You can relax here and enjoy a simple cup of coffee in a most chic atmosphere. Don't you just love it? I could have stayed for hours, and here in Europe, you can linger at these ultra chic establishments just as you would back in the states at Starbucks.

Notice the chandeliers with shades over them? I especially enjoyed those, along with the wallpaper, which was applied to one wall and then extended onto about 70" of the ceiling. The rest of the ceiling was white. It looked great, I wish I would have thought to photograph it for you.

Up today... A factory tour of a ceramics company based in California, an interview with a Boston interior designer, and some fresh finds to give you something to spend your money on! :)

(images from decor8, click on them for full size)


Heath Ceramics - Factory Tour (Sausalito, California)


Cohda Speaks Up!