Seabreeze Studio

I first shopped with Yukiko from Seabreeze Studio around the same time that etsy launched, and I still have the little bag that I ordered from her and really like it. The fabrics that she uses are totally cute, you can tell that she is from Japan (she lives in the UK now) because the prints, well look at them below, are they not adorable and totally Japanese? And while I am not one to blog about fashion accessories, I came across Yukiko again while surfing Etsy a moment ago and wanted to share since I told her over a year ago that I would and I don't think I ever did. My bad. Since a promise is a promise, this blog is for you, Yukiko. Even if it's really late in coming...

Sorry I didn't get to posting much yesterday, I spent a little over 3 hours with Marisa and Rachel working on a podcast about color, so once Marisa has it ready to go, I will share it here on decor8 so you can listen in. :)

(images from seabreeze studio)


Color Conversation: Podcast


Thanks Adorn Magazine!