Dutch By Design

Dutch by Design carries contemporary interior accessories from the Netherlands, and although I've blogged about them before, for those of you that are new to decor8, it's a great little store on the web for Dutch design. They've just added products from Invotis Orange, a design studio that I blogged about awhile back that is based in the Netherlands. Check out the rabbit in the dish drainer...

If you are familiar with Dutch design, you know that they love taking mundane objects and transforming them into something hip and cool with a twist - always a twist - of wit infused into each design. I attended Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven last October to cover it (here's some coverage on decor8 in case you missed it last year) for Domino magazine online and it was there that I saw this 'theme' repeated throughout nearly every item on display. Always a slight nod to the past, yet this next generation of Dutch designers are looking ahead to bring a bit of tradition into the here and now.

(images from dutch by design)


West Elm Curtains


Ah, Flowers!