Lindsay Art {prints}

An encouraging email arrived from established artist Lindsay Brackeen who originally sold her mixed media paintings online but recently decided to move her business over to Etsy to offer affordable prints of her darling originals (just $20!).

Lindsay runs a home business in addition to her duties as a mom of two. She fits in time creating art during their naps so that she's still able to do what she loves in addition to her favorite role as mommy. It always warms my heart to hear from independent mothers who are online and use all the great resources that exist out there to build a small business so that they're able to spend more time with their children. The best part is that they're not feeling trapped at home detached from the outside "adult" world, they're connecting online and building a small business. No mom should have to sacrifice her dreams to raise a child, it's just a matter of figuring out how to do both really well because we all know a happy, emotionally fulfilled mom is a better parent all around.

I think you'll enjoy some of these prints from her shop. Thank you Lindsay for sharing your work with us and for telling me about your blog, which I'm clicking over to visit el pronto!

(images from lindsay art)


She Loves Stars {total cuteness}


Color Me Monday: Yellow + White