Eijffinger Wallpaper

I was flipping through a recent copy of VTWonen and noticed Eijffinger wallpaper and felt an instant attraction to some of their latest patterns. Their papers for kid's rooms really make an impact! On their website they mention that wallpaper framed versus on an entire wall is a big trend right now. Do you agree?

I've also noticed a rising interest in using only a few sheets of wallpaper to visually section off a room, useful in open spaces that double as a dining and living area. Eijffinjer recently collaborated with VTWonen magazine on a special line, you can view that here.

I'm glad that their site is both in English and Dutch or else I would have completely missed this otherwise. It's a handy guide for wallpaper installation and the space effects that it has on a room depending on pattern and color. "With the use of colour it is possible to make a room look larger or smaller. Light tints optically enlarge while dark tints make smaller. Colour and atmosphere are inseparable. It is perhaps useful to think of regions and countries when trying to create a certain mood."

(images from eijffinger)


Unravelling: Susannah Conway


Inspiration From Faraway Places