A Gift For You: decor8 Discount Week(s)!

It's about that time for some delicious deals! Ever since I started this blog nearly 3 years ago I've chosen the Fall/Winter season to host a special decor8 discount week where shops offer discounts that range from BOGO offers to free shipping and/or discounts on their products. This year, I thought I'd shake things up a bit and though I'm continuing tradition, I've encouraged store owners to sweeten their deals due to the current economy. Here's what you can expect on decor8 in November... beginning on Monday!

November 3-7: Sponsor Discounts. In the far right column you will find 40+ sponsors of decor8. I've asked them to participate in this special week and so far, 15 have enthusiastically agreed to participate. The catch this year was different than years past: Sponsors cannot offer only free shipping or a BOGO offer, it had to be a set discount on either a group of products on their site or on everything in their shop -- and no 10% or 15% discounts either. Discounts range from 20-30% this year! Yay! Each day, starting November 3 and ending November 7, I will blog several of these sponsor discounts.

November 10-14: Non-Sponsor Discounts - Friends of decor8: Unlike years past, this year I've handpicked those that I'd like to participate in this special discount week and the same criteria applies: offers must be a flat discount of 20% or more. Some already offer free shipping so it's quite an incentive to shop on top of a generous discount. I'm still in the process of contacting everyone so I'm not sure exactly how many will accept the offer to get involved but I'm confident based on past experience that we'll have a terrific turn out.

So! With all that said I do have one small favor to ask... Who would you like to see on decor8 during the Non-Sponsor week? Any favorite stores you can think of? Please do not comment below to answer this (I think that's a little too forward and may make some companies feel bad if they cannot participate). You can contact me via this form. Please submit your top 5 stores that you'd love and if they are also ones that I'm interested in, I'll certainly approach them on your behalf.

This special annual discount time is my way of thanking all of you for reading decor8 and for your continued friendship... It's the least I can do to show you a little love. :)

Excited? I hope so! I sure am...

(image from holly becker for decor8)


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