Andrea Cobb

Good morning! Aren’t these illustrations so very pretty? If you would like to read more about the lady behind them, Andrea Cobb, you may visit this link if you’d like.

Andrea Cobb

How was your weekend? It was really nice for me to have a three day weekend, I feel so refreshed and eager to get started on my work this week. I finished many projects and read some books — I completed the Secrets of Simplicity (great organization book) and The Alchemist. Now I’m reading Eat, Pray, Love (after seeing the author speak over at TED about Nurturing Creativity) and Apart From The Crowd by an Irish author I’m following right now. There’s something about Spring… I read a ton of books this time of year more than any other season. Maybe it’s this nesting thing. I also picked up a bunch of new eco-friendly cleaning supplies at Lowe’s, and I guess I should get excited over cleaning supplies but the Rosemary Mint bathroom cleaner sounded to enticing to resist and as a result, I sorta can’t wait to try it out just to see if it works well but mostly to smell it (geek or what?). Another fun thing I did was a 4 mile hike at a local reservation with my trusty camera — I found lots of birds and muskrats to photograph. Nothing is in bloom here yet (wahhh), so I felt a bit limited since I primarily photograph flowers and trees, but being out in nature for a few uninterrupted hours felt wonderful. In addition to books, cleaning supplies, and a nature, I helped a local floral designer select colors for her new studio. We went with Valspar (Martha Stewart Colors) for the room: Apothecary Jar and Cake Stand Blue. She doesn’t have a lot of options with a very “picky” landlord so we decided on soft colors vs. brighter hues or wallpaper. She plans to have some fun with the space with accessories and such though the flowers will no doubt steal the show. I can’t wait to see how it looks when she is finished.

What did you do over the holiday weekend?


(image from andrea cobb)


Sewing Green


Happy Weekend!