Phyllis Asher Prop Stylis

Phyllis Asher is a prop stylist in NYC and though I’m familiar with her work I was reminded of her today from Lisa’s lovely blog, The Red Thread, and felt inclined to mention her here. Now you can have a little peek inside of her portfolio too, which is divine by the way.

Phyllis Asher

Phyllis Asher

And speaking of styling, I’m no pro but I spent some time this afternoon shopping a local Asian market and found lovely tea tins and candy with great colors and designs so I think I’ll play around a little this weekend and style a shot inspired by my market trip. Writing about all of these prop stylists has inspired me quite a lot lately, I have caught the styling bug and really enjoy playing around with things and photographing them. Of course, Phyllis and the other professionals would call my work child’s play, but I still have a good time and feel that, like anything, the more you work at something the better you become so why not give what your curious about a whirl!?

(images: phyllis asher)


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