Musical Thursday

Can I just say that writing Musical Thursday feels almost odd today given that Michael Jackson has died? I haven't been a devoted fan in many years but I once was and still recall running around my bedroom listening to my Off The Wall vinyl on my little orange and white record player... you know the kind that you could close like a little suitcase? I remember the day my mother and father took me out to buy it, I couldn't believe it and how the music made me so happy -- dancing around like a little jumping bean in my bedroom. "Get on the floor, and dance with me..." That disco sound was new to my ears, it was 1980 and I was so little. Though his life changed a lot over the years, no one can deny how much his music influenced the world and changed the face of music forever. And you certainly can't deny his innovation and talent - the man was no copycat but a trendmaker - a genuine creator of the next wave. I think it's sad that fame got the best of him and his health and though after Beat It I started to feel disconnected to his music, I still think there was undeniable magic in the early years that I will never forget. Me, Off The Wall (She's Out Of My Life.... what a song - what lyrics) and my little orange record player.

Musical Thursday: Room Eleven

The set where the next Room Eleven was shot by Berlin Productions.

Musical Thursday: Room Eleven

Room Eleven on Tour in Berlin.

Musical Thursday: Room Eleven

Room Eleven shooting their Early Morning video in the Netherlands where they are from.

So what am I listening to this week? I've been playing Pokerface by Lady Gaga a lot, I think with all the stupid tech problems I had I just needed to zone out and listen to lyrics that don't allow me to think. If I dedicate myself to a project I can block out emotion and surroundings quite well. Music helps with that, especially pop music because it's superfical and fluffy. I think I listened to Rihanna, Good Girl Gone Bad, like 3 times today alone. I listened to Lady Sovereign, Public Warning, a few times too. It was one of those weeks let me tell you. But it's nearly over and though I still have a lot of rebuilding to do on this blog but the light is showing at the end of the tunnel so I'm over the initial frustration & even anger I felt for those who let me down on the technical side not abiding by our terms of service. It's upsetting when you pay people a lot of money and trust them to take good care of your data only to find out that they "accidentially deleted" 400 posts and 1,800 comments! But now that I'm starting to feel better about things, I'm chilling with a cup of Lavender Earl Grey, listening to the frogs sing in the pond outside of my window and have Room Eleven playing softly to a flickering candle in the window. It's nice.

Room Eleven is my suggested band of the week. Dutch band, jazzy smooth, lovely. I'm listening to "One of these days" right now which seems absolutely fitting... And check this out. My cutie friend Enna came across Sia's tour bus in Hannover recently. If you are a Sia fan like Enna and I are, you'd understand the excitement I guess. But this is such a cool random find.

And to Michael Jackson all I can say is that you truly were larger than life and I'll never forget the impact you had on my childhood, all the first crushes I skated with to your songs, and the way I felt as I danced with my friends at my slumber parties to your music. Few leave such an impact on the world as you have.

(image: room eleven)


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