Mad & Bolig

Oooooh I have some gorgeous inspiration for you today from a magazine that is new-to-me called Mad & Bolig published in Denmark. The more I see Danish magazines, the more I want to drive up north to visit a country that obviously has amazing taste and style. Mad & Bolig is a magazine that I found today via the lovely artist Sidsel Gaustadnes who authors the Spagat blog (please be sure to visit her blog!).

Mad & Bolig

But yes, back to this fab magazine... as I sit here and get lost in the virtual pages of Mad & Bolig I'm starting to feel like the winter lull will soon be over and perhaps then I'll feel motivated to travel. I'm excited to plan some Summer vacations up north because I've never stepped foot into Denmark and I think going there would be just delightful. Plus, why move to Europe and not see these places, right? Many of our German friends drive up and stay in vacation homes on the Danish coast, it's pretty common for the northern Germans I think -- so perhaps I'll join them. But for now, until I can be there myself, I will bask in the glow of the beautiful Danish magazines that I'm finding online. Ah.

Mad & Bolig

Mad & Bolig

Don't you just love these rooms? They make me daydream of owning a summer cottage by the shore. Fresh, colorful, position -- each injected with such spirit and personality.

(images: mad & bolig)


Supermarket Sarah


Etsy Take Five Tuesday